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[CCBC-Net] Favorites
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From: Andrew Finkbeiner <ANDREW>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:24:51 -0600
Did we put The Beet Fields in F or NF? Good question! Our technical services department followed the LC CIP and cataloged it as a biography. I am still mystified by it. Technically, I guess it's a biography. Stylistically, it's fiction. Has anyone ever written an autobiography in third person limited before? I mean, when we write, we do it all the time in a way. Some times it comes out as a story, sometimes it comes out as an essay. You know what I mean? But then, to announce in the forward, "This is what happened when I was sixteen," (I was fully convinced that I was hearing from Gary Paulsen in that statement), and to say, "I wrote it as real as I could get it," and then to commence the telling in the third person, that's pretty unconventional, isn't it? I know exactly what he meant by getting it real--that he was speaking the language that would convey it the best, and I was captivated by the story and the style and by what it told me about myself. And if I weren't a librarian who had to shove things into little pigeon holes I wouldn't even be concerned with asking the question "Fiction or Biography?". But since we have to give it an address, it does beg the question! Right now, it's with the biographies and has a YA label.
Message----From: Mary Ann Gilpatrick [mailto:magilpat at] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 8:34 PM To: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Favorites
So did you put beet fields in F or NF? I guess I missed this discussion ...
Andrew Finkbeiner wrote:
The was do. woman
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Received on Thu 14 Dec 2000 02:24:51 PM CST
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 14:24:51 -0600
Did we put The Beet Fields in F or NF? Good question! Our technical services department followed the LC CIP and cataloged it as a biography. I am still mystified by it. Technically, I guess it's a biography. Stylistically, it's fiction. Has anyone ever written an autobiography in third person limited before? I mean, when we write, we do it all the time in a way. Some times it comes out as a story, sometimes it comes out as an essay. You know what I mean? But then, to announce in the forward, "This is what happened when I was sixteen," (I was fully convinced that I was hearing from Gary Paulsen in that statement), and to say, "I wrote it as real as I could get it," and then to commence the telling in the third person, that's pretty unconventional, isn't it? I know exactly what he meant by getting it real--that he was speaking the language that would convey it the best, and I was captivated by the story and the style and by what it told me about myself. And if I weren't a librarian who had to shove things into little pigeon holes I wouldn't even be concerned with asking the question "Fiction or Biography?". But since we have to give it an address, it does beg the question! Right now, it's with the biographies and has a YA label.
Message----From: Mary Ann Gilpatrick [mailto:magilpat at] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 8:34 PM To: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Favorites
So did you put beet fields in F or NF? I guess I missed this discussion ...
Andrew Finkbeiner wrote:
The was do. woman
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Received on Thu 14 Dec 2000 02:24:51 PM CST