CCBC-Net Archives

Gwendolyn Brooks

From: Kris Adams Wendt <kwendt>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 14:22:46 -0600

When I heard that poet Gwendolyn Brooks died on December 3, I went looking for the little book of poetry she inscribed for me the day she visited Rhinelander. As soon as the Christmas rush is past I intend to try and pin down the exact date through my journals. Her appearance was a Nicolet Area Technical College sponsored event sometime in the late 1970's or early 1980's; quite an honor for us in northern Wisconsin at that time. She was a remarkable woman with an unparalleled gift.

For a remarkable article about Gwendolyn Brooks by columnist Mary Schmich that appeared in the Chicago Tribune on December 6, check out this web address:


There is a poem dedicated to Brooks written by Dudley Randall, that I have kept because it reminded me of my late father Howard Adams (a teacher and guidance counselor), as well as my Carroll College professor and mentor Jim Renberg. I share it below for anyone who wishes to forward it to a special teacher during this holiday season.

To Gwendolyn Brooks, Teacher by Dudley Randall

You teach without talk. Your life is lesson. We give because you do, are kind, because you are. Just live. We will learn.

Kris Adams Wendt Children's Librarian/Associate Director Rhinelander District Library 106 N. Stevens St. Rhinelander, WI 54501 office: 715/36582 FAX: 715/36576 kwendt at
Received on Thu 07 Dec 2000 02:22:46 PM CST