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From: Dean Schneider <schneiderd>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 12:51:30 -0600

Steven makes a good point: not either nonfiction or fiction, but hand-in-hand. Unfortunately, as others have noted, too many schools rely solely on textbooks and take the life right out of history. I happen to do what Steven says in my own classroom: we read Out of the Dust, and I read aloud much of Children of the Dust Bowl. We also read Betsy Partridge's biography of Dorothea Lange, and this year Betsy visited the class and told more of the story behind her biography and played Woody Guthrie music. The project becomes a whole reading, writng, music, and art experience for the eighth graders, with fiction and nonfiction as equal parts of the mix.

Dean Schneider Ensworth School Nashville, TN 37205
Received on Tue 21 Nov 2000 12:51:30 PM CST