CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] History through Nonfiction: Biography

From: Sara McLaughlin <smcl>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 15:40:42 -0600

As a school librarian in a pre-K to 8th grade school, I would welcome the Feynman biography. Like Greg mentioned, I found his autobiographies wonderful to read (and unlike Greg, I've never taken a physics class in my life!). I think it will be a wonderful book to booktalk -- especially to those boys who don't read much beyond high fantasy or science fiction. I sometimes find that it's easier to "sell" a biography of an "unknown" to a student needing to read a biography than to make a book about someone they already know of sound exciting. I don't know much about Laura Bridgeman, but I will say that I've had success booktalking Walter Dean Myers' At Her Majesty's Request. I know that for myself, it really helps when the book is marketed well; when I can get a sense of the "hook" from the copy and/or reviews.
  Interesting thread!

Sara McLaughlin Children's Librarian Baker Demonstration School National-Louis University Evanston, IL 60201
Received on Wed 01 Nov 2000 03:40:42 PM CST