CCBC-Net Archives

Biographies and Autobiographies

From: Violet J. Harris <vjharris>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 15:50:04 -0600

I've enjoyed the discussion and wish to add a comment before we move on to the next topic.

I would love to read an article written by a biographer on the process he/she used to make judgements about an individual's life and how a biography would be revised if the individual discovered new information or was made aware of new information. Milton Meltzer has written on his decisions regarding some individuals who were revered but were discovered to have some negative aspects in their lives such as Dorothea Dix, Thomas Jefferson or Winnie Mandela. I would love to read an article written by Meltzer on how he would revise his T. Jefferson biography in light of new information about Sally Hemmings.

I am also hoping that Meltzer, Murphy, Freedman, or some other person will write a children's biography of a complicated individual such as Richard Nixon.
Received on Wed 08 Nov 2000 03:50:04 PM CST