CCBC-Net Archives

Recent troubling CCBC-Net messages

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 14:28:16 -0600

I've heard from several in the CCBC-Net community about the recent troubling messages. To the extent possible, someone with responsibilty for CCBC-Net is immediately in touch with individuals who send troubling messages.

Chris Dowling immediately handled the virus situation. We want to doubt that it was intentional. The e-mail account from which that particular message arrived no longer is able to send messages to the CCBC-Net community. We regret the scare this produced, and because of the timing of the message (Friday afternoon for most of us), it most certainly was impossible for someone on our end to warn any of you about it. Of course we feel just terrible about any negative outcomes for anyone in the CCBC-Net community. If you don't already know this, never open an e-mail attachment unless you're expecting one from a person you trust.

CCBC-Net is not like an edited newsletter to which people send submissions after which someone "at the top" decides whether or not each submission is "worthy." In other words, for those who like the jargon, CCBC-Net is not a "moderated" listserv. CCBC-Net affirms free speech within the announced CCBC-Net topic.

Civility is expected.


It is unnecessary to trash all members of any profession or group in order to enter into a CCBC-Net discussion on any CCBC-Net topic about Children's or Young Adult Literature.

It is a courtesy to everyone in the CCBC-Net community to erase the previous message when you respond. With respect to those receiving your message, please retain or paste only that portion of the previous message to which you need to make reference. Few enjoy receiving lengthy messsages with previous messages still tagged on.

It is a courtesy to retitle your message on the subject line, if you alter the subject a bit. This gives people looking only at the subject lines (which is everyone with the digest format) a clue as to what your message involves.

We're all learning internet courtesy. It's actually not very different from offering respect and courtesy to each other in person. If you're having difficulty following listserv directions for sending messages one-to-one or to everyone in CCBC-Net, please contact us directly. "We" are Chris Dowling (cdowling at, Kathleen Horning (horning at, Megan Schliesman
(schliesman at, and Ginny Moore Kruse
(gmkruse at

Best, Ginny Moore Kruse
Received on Mon 06 Nov 2000 02:28:16 PM CST