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Nonfiction in the world

From: Ruth I Gordon <druthgo>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 13:13:04 -0800

and classroom. I'd also recommend some hist. fict that is so close to nf and is sprightly and lively: Hesse, "Stowaway" (McElderry). It would walk hand in hand with Dash's
"The Longitude Prize. Wish these books had been around when I was in the real world. The Hesse respects the reader enough to supply an essay indicating what we do not know about the first person diarist and both authors supply glossary, sources, etc., etc.

Both books are suspenseful (even to old fuddy duddiesses like me) even though we know the outcome.

The teachers may even want to read some of the books to their classes.

-Big Grandma

"You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Fri 10 Nov 2000 03:13:04 PM CST