CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Dancing on the Edge of Nonfiction

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 11:32:00 EST

Thanks to April and everyone else for addressing my question regarding creative nonfiction and the line between fiction and nonfiction.

I voiced the question last evening at a meeting of librarians (DRRT--DuPage Reading Round Table, in the western suburbs of Chicago). The line between fiction and nonfiction seems to blur most often in the beginner reader genre. Publishing seeks to attract new young readers with simple text, crisp formats, and attractive page layouts that make nonfiction accessible to children striking out on their own. Some of the books, such as Magic School Bus and Snowflake Bentley, pair stories with side bars of more detailed information. Other times, the books are photo essay style with shorter text. These books are not aimed at fourth graders to be used for research reports--they're for pleasure and feeding the curious appetite of many young readers.

Libraries have difficulty shelving these works of beginner nonfiction: in the broad nonfiction category, they get lost among fat texts aimed at older readers; in the picture book section, they blend in with fiction too easily. One solution offered last night at the DRRT dinner was to shelve them in juvenile nonfiction with big spine label stickers marked "E" (for easy or everybody readers). Another solution used in Prince Georges County, Maryland, that drew my young sons on every visit was to have a separate beginner-reader nonfiction section.

There are nonfiction lovers of all ages. How can we help the younger set find the books they love?

Sorry I keep asking questions right at the end of the discussion...the postings on biographies were so interesting that I hated to interrupt!)

Lee Sullivan Hill Clarendon Hills, IL

author of two engineering series for beginner readers published by Carolrhoda Books: Building Block Books (Bridges Connect, Towers Reach High, Farms Feed the World, Libraries Take Us Far, etc.) and Get Around Books (Get Around in Air and Space, Get Around with Cargo, Get Around in the City, etc.)
Received on Wed 29 Nov 2000 10:32:00 AM CST