CCBC-Net Archives

The pivotal moment

From: Jean Scooter <strawberi09>
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 16:55:25 GMT

  I've just recently subscribed to this listserv and I'm really enjoying the discussions. I didn't start reading biographies until in my late thirties; what a shame! What better way to find out that truth (in any of its incarnations)really is stranger than fiction? The comments by Marc Aronson, Connie Rockman & Ruth Gordon really honed in on why we read biographies
(even if they're less than 100 pages).
  What I like to consider when reading about someone's life is this: what was the pivotal moment when circumstances caused him/her to make a choice? What might have happened if a different choice had been made? These questions interest me and they might be good questions to ask students. I used to work as a children's librarian and now work as a reference librarian in a community college but I think these questions could work in either setting. Just a discussion of the pivotal moments in the lives of various people, historical or contemporary would, I think, be fascinating.

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Received on Mon 06 Nov 2000 10:55:25 AM CST