CCBC-Net Archives

Alice Disneyfied

From: Dorian Chong <dchong>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 18:40:03 -0700 (PDT)

I want to commend Monica for her fine Alice curriculum (I wish I had been in a class like that). I especially like the final tea party and the viewing of the Disney film. I think it is important to acknowledge the Disney version since it is so much a part of our popular culture.

I would love to hear from Monica what her students have said about the Disney version after her teaching of the original. (I'd also be curious to know if she has ever had any students who hadn't ever seen it before.) Do kids view it as better, worse, or just different? What do they like and dislike?

Dorian Chong dchong at
Received on Tue 24 Oct 2000 08:40:03 PM CDT