CCBC-Net Archives

Alice and Alice and...

From: Mikeindex at <Mikeindex>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 17:03:23 EDT

Hello, I've just joined the list. - at Monica's indirect invitation.

Monica is also a member of a Carroll discussion
 e-list which I moderate, and she very kindly posted an
 invitation there for anyone to join in with this discussion of Carroll's work and/or life.

I'd like to echo what Monica has said about the current state
 of Carrollian studies. They are presently in a condition of flux. New research has
 recently unearthed evidence that calls into question some of the most central assumptions. The work of Hugues Lebailly and the publication of Karoline Leach's radical book 'In the Shadow of the Dreamchild', have presented huge challenges to the traditional image of
 Dodgson's life and work.

As Monica says, Hugues and Karoline have returned to the
 evidential sources to show that a great deal of what passes for biographical 'truth' about Dodgson is largely a construct of myth and inaccuracy. Their work has dealt mortal blows to the 'orthodox' image of Dodgson as a shy, celibate man wholly focused on little girls.
 Karoline has gone further to offer a very challenging alternative image of Dodgson as a mature man of
 the world, with a lively ,even obsessive, sexual interest in women. whose life was haunted by a seering love affair

As can be imagined these very radical studies have created a lot of controversy and argument - with Karoline's book in particular being the focus of very heated debate. The camps seem to be divided into those who think she has
 made a unique contribution to the study of the man, and those who consider her an impudent sensationalist. and want her book burned in the public streets!

I think this radical revision presently happening inevitably has significance for anyone trying to analyse and comprehend the man's creativity. The concept of Dodgson as passionately obsessed
 with child Alice Liddell is almost more important as a literary than as a biographical construct.

When it comes under question, then so, inevitably does a great deal of the current literary criticism of Dodgson's texts, so I suspect there will be a considerable amount of
 reassessment ovver the next ten years or so.

I hope these observations provide a small amount of background for your current discussion.

 Recent discussion on the Carroll e-list have reflected the general air of controversy and there has been considerable debate. about Karoline's book and related topics.

Anyone who would like to read the archives or perhaps join the list can click here:<A HREF="">eGroups : lewiscarroll to go to the site.

Both Hugues and Karoline have been contributors to our discussions.

cheers Mike
Received on Wed 04 Oct 2000 04:03:23 PM CDT