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more thoughts on Voldemort & Harry

From: gibsonrob at <gibsonrob>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 22:51:07 -0400

In response to Beth's observation:

1) They are fascinated with the gleam in Dumbledore's eye when he realizes that Voldemort has reconstituted himself using Harry's blood. They can't wait to find out what this is all about. It's a very effective hook into the next book, and it hinges on the relationship between Harry and Voldemort. A clear hint to readers to pay attention, I think.

My husband and I both noted this too (I thought this was one of Rowling's more obvious hints to the reader, but still intruiging) -- my guess is that although Voldemort chose Harry's blood as that of his greatest enemy, somehow this also makes Voldemort vulnerable to Harry. As terrible as it is that Voldemort owes his new "life" such as it is to Harry, at the same time, he *owes* his life to Harry, so is somehow indebted to him
(I'm finding it especially hard to put the correct change in vocal inflection in email!!!).

And in regard to Voldemort's seemingly contradictory views on the value of pure blood, considering his own ancestry, I think he's trying to deny his heritage and validate his own worth somehow. His muggle father abandoned his mother when he found out she was a witch, right? So I think this is just one more example of how this early, profound rejection afffected Voldemort. I still get a bit confused though when I try to sort out the whole Tom Riddle thing --- is / was Voldemort Tom Riddle? I'm going to be re-reading the 2nd book with my children's book discussion group in a few weeks, so that should help refresh my memory . . .

2) Those I've asked "Do Ron and Hermione like each other?" say "No." I've asked mostly 9 year old boys as it happens, and they seem totally unaware of this undercurrent. I think Ron and Hermione don't know it yet either, since they show their affection through arguing and jealousy. It's exactly age-appropriate.

I agree; as an adult, this is an amusing process to watch. It's interesting to hear that kids just don't get this part of what's going on.


************************************************************ Robin L. Gibson, Youth Services Coordinator Perry County District Library New Lexington, OH 43764 740/342A94

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Received on Thu 14 Sep 2000 09:51:07 PM CDT