CCBC-Net Archives

labeling each other

From: Linda Mundt <lemundt>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 14:10:04 -0500

Dear Friends,

If you or I are bothered by a depiction of women or others in a Harry Potter book or another book, we're not very likely to say that we're being politically correct. We're likely to say that we're bothered. Politically correct is a label we put on each other, rarely on ourselves, and I suggest that it may not further the conversation much to slap the phrase about.

I request that if someone is bothered by a depiction, then we take a look at the specific depiction and its context. It's one way to keep us from calling each other names. It's one way to keep us focused on what we're here to discuss.

Thanks for indulging my particular bias,


Linda Mundt School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4263 Madison, WI 53706

608/263D52 phone 608/263H49 fax
Received on Tue 19 Sep 2000 02:10:04 PM CDT