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Goblet of Fire

From: Sara Schultz <sjschul5>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 22:36:33 -0500

I have never written before, but I feel compelled to write now. I got my 14 year old brother to read the first three books while he was staying with me this summer. He devoured them and could hardly wait for book four.

He was most excited about book four because Harry is *finally* "his age." As he read the book (before I had a chance to, I might add!), he was frequently amazed at how accurate J.K.'s portrayals of the life of a 14 year old boy were. My brother has felt the pain of rejection from girls, just like Harry. He has also gotten into major arguements with his best guy friends which have resulted in weeks of not speaking. He really liked the line, "If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you." He told me he hears that one all the time!

So, from the mouth of a real life 14 year old, he thought J.K. did a great job!

Sara Schultz UW-Madison Education Student sjschul5 at
Received on Thu 07 Sep 2000 10:36:33 PM CDT