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HP as a work in progress

From: Toad Hall <toadbook>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:54:02 -0500

Amy Krahn wrote: Many of the issues that have been considered flawed elements could very well be resolved by the last book. (I think some of the things that leave us unsatisfied may be the very things that draw us back into reading more.)

Okay here goes my take on Harry PotterIt is easy to second guess HP storylines and demand more details from Rowling. HP is a wonderful book and Rowlings ability to capture its reader makes me think that nothing short of living Harry's life would be enough! I love the fact that we are questioning the possibility of a JV Quidditch team, the social ramification of house elves, and whether the female
"characters" in a book are strong role models. I also loved the question about the spectators of Quidditch and if it was really fun for the fans?
(Have you watched the Olympics? 110,000 people, possibly sitting at the top of a huge stadium, watching others run around a track in pouring rain?) Do we really need Rowling to give us more or isn't nice to have books that make you ponder, that make you ask questions, that make you use your imagination! I think up HP storylines all the time. What if the North American Wizardry school is located in Texas at the Enchanted Rock, what is Dudley is a latent wizard and is forced to go to Hogwarts, and what if at the end of book seven it is all a dream and Harry lives happily ever after with his parents! Yes, we question Rowling's HP books because they are so GOOD! She makes the HP world so real we expect so much from her. There has been the rare kid that tells me they don?t like the HP books. However, after talking to them it goes one of two ways. They are either kids that do not like fantasy and will never like fantasy or they are kids who when the parts are examined they really did like a whole lot of the book and they just want more! With each book those kids get hooked. I say keep reading, keep questioning, keep discussing because we are only half way through the story. There is so much more to come. Finally, let us not forget Rowling, the real live person not a character in a book. Look at what she has accomplished in the publishing industry. It is easy to say HP has a wonderful strong female role model! Cheers, Tiffany Durham Former Manager of the once wonderful Toad Hall Children's Bookstore Austin, Texas
Received on Tue 26 Sep 2000 11:54:02 AM CDT