CCBC-Net Archives

Protocol: responding to announcements & requests

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 09:01:09 -0500

Please send inquiries about any of the CCBC-Net announcements to the individual named as the contact person for each event, and please respond to surveys likewise.

This is the official CCBC-Net announcement time, but this time is not intended to establish new discussion agendas. For example, write to Ruth Gordon directly druthgo at if you want to respond to the Scott Simon/Daniel Pinkwater issue, or write to NPR directly. Write to Anastasia Suen asuen at directly if you are participating in the poll about writing. Etc.

I'll be happy to explain why this is the way CCBC-Net is organized if that's unclear. Write to me directly gmkruse at


Ginny Moore Kruse, CCBC-Net Coordinator Cooperative Children's Book Center A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 01 Sep 2000 09:01:09 AM CDT