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Goblet of Fire

From: Beth Wright <bethlibrarian>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:02:15 -0700 (PDT)

My thanks to the contributor who suggested the slowness of the opening chapter of Goblet of Fire served notice that Goblet was going to be a different kind of book from the previous three. I had been considering that chapter as a rather inexpert way to recap the series plot thus far, which surprised me, because J.K. Rowling is not an inexpert writer! I much prefer your take on it.

Two observations from my conversations with young readers of the book:

1) They are fascinated with the gleam in Dumbledore's eye when he realizes that Voldemort has reconstituted himself using Harry's blood. They can't wait to find out what this is all about. It's a very effective hook into the next book, and it hinges on the relationship between Harry and Voldemort. A clear hint to readers to pay attention, I think.

2) Those I've asked "Do Ron and Hermione like each other?" say "No." I've asked mostly 9 year old boys as it happens, and they seem totally unaware of this undercurrent. I think Ron and Hermione don't know it yet either, since they show their affection through arguing and jealousy. It's exactly age-appropriate.

Beth Wright Youth Services Department Fletcher Free Library Burlington, Vermont

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Received on Wed 13 Sep 2000 04:02:15 PM CDT