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Best sellers

From: Robin Smith <smithr>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 09:59:52 -0500

Susan Greenberg's words about columns to the local paper warmed my heart. I write one of those book columns and figure that many of you do too. I am always thrilled when someone mentions that she has read my column and has gone on to seek out the books I have mentioned. Unfortunately, space seems to be the biggest problem. Space for book columns is relegated to one page of the Sunday paper and that valuable space for children's books is shared with adult book columns, lists and bookstore announcements. My paper, The Tennessean, does a wonderful job with layout and presentation and this really enlivens my prose, but more space would allow columns to be printed more regularly.
        I have always written to newspapers to say what I like to read so I think Susan's suggestion is a good one: write to your paper and ask for more coverage of children's books. Mention the columnists who you feel provide particularly good information and direction. Specifically ask that the Bestseller list be printed. Ask for more pages devoted to reading and books.
Received on Thu 07 Sep 2000 09:59:52 AM CDT