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Camping & Blending In: Harry Potter #4

From: Mason, John <JMason>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:24:26 -0400

Yes, and another thing that makes the books so funny is this: instead of showing us the world of wizards as something strange and unfamiliar, she lets us see things from their world looking out. So we experince the wizard world as "normal" - and from their viewpoint, it's the muggle world, our ordinary everyday world, that is strange and inexplicable and something that is unknown and unfamiliar. (There's even a course at Hogwarts called
"Muggle Studies!") Almost like the device of showing the reader what our world would appear like to a time traveller from another time period.

John Mason, Library and Educational Marketing Director Scholastic, 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012999
Received on Thu 21 Sep 2000 02:24:26 PM CDT