CCBC-Net Archives


From: Susan Patron <spatron>
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 13:57:19 -0700

Cleary helped me embrace the field of children's literature and service to children.
 In the early 1970's, straight out of library school, I was offered a children's position-- which was not my first choice. I wanted to be an adult reference librarian.

I took the job, very uneasy about programming, storytelling, visiting kids in schools, etc., but knowing I could transfer to a "better" position in due time. A mentor gave me piles of books to read, with Cleary's Ramona books on the top, and I have never looked back. Cleary taught me about myself, she showed me that children's literature can be as vibrant and vital for adults as for kids, and she used ordinary everyday life a s her subject. I'm still grateful to her.

Susan Patron Los Angeles Public Library
Received on Wed 09 Aug 2000 03:57:19 PM CDT