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From: steven engelfried <stevene>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 12:25:09 -0700

Skellig" was my favorite novel of 1999. Also one of the most original and surprising kids' books I've read. I was never really sure where it was going, and I enjoy that. Walter Mayes mentioned that his son "was never moved to express what he thought Skellig was," and my own kids (ages 9 and 12 then) reacted in the same way when I read it aloud to them. On the other hand, I talked with a librarian who did not like the book and her frustration at not knowing exactly what Skellig was what lead her to dislike the book. I think that's the reader's problem, though, not the author's. It takes daring and skill to avoid spelling everything out in a children's book and still have it work with young readers. It seems at first like a quiet and thoughtful book, but it's also very suspenseful. You get so involved in the fate of the baby and of Skellig that every change in their conditions is exciting. Someone mentioned plans to booktalk "Skellig;" I'd be interested in hearing how others describe this book to kids or teens to inspire them to read it. The mysterious man/creature in the garage is a good hook, but somehow I feel like I should be giving kids more a sense of the flavor of the book when I tell them about it...

Steven Engelfried, Children's Librarian Deschutes Public Library System, Bend Branch 601 NW Wall St Bend, OR 97701 ph: 541a7p72 fax: 541a7p73 e-mail: stevene at
Received on Wed 12 Jul 2000 02:25:09 PM CDT