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Literature by and about children adopted from China and Korea

From: Mary Ellen ReckmeyerYour Name <drewme>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 22:40:10 -0500

I am preparing a presentation for a college class on the topic of international adoption. I'm looking for titles of books that I could use as resources for my project. Specifically, I would appreciate book recommendations that have as their main characters children or young adults from China or Korea who were adopted into American homes.

The books could be fiction or non-fiction at children's, young adult, or adult reading levels. I'm interested in a variety of perspectives, including both positive and negative situations experienced by the adoptees or adoptive parents.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can recommend some titles!

Mary Ellen Reckmeyer drewme at
Received on Tue 13 Jun 2000 10:40:10 PM CDT