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Golden Archer Award

From: Amy Kline <akline>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 08:29:48 -0500

The information posted earlier is incorrect. The new Golden Archer time line states that nominations are due on May 15th. The correct link to the nomination page is and includes the criteria for nominations and the process of nominating.

Amy Kline Library Media Specialist Luxemburg?sco Middle School akline at

Golden Archer committee member

Three Golden Archer Awards were presented at the 2000 WEMA (Wisconsin Educational Media Association) convention. 17,000 Wisconsin students chose A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon as their primary selection. Crash by Jerry Spinelli was their intermediate selection and J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Soccer's Stone their middle school choice.

The timeline for 2001 Golden Archer Award has changed. Initial nominations are due by March 15, 2000. The on-line nomination form is available at For more information contact Annette Smith at wallywrld at

S. Wurdeman Stratford School District Librarian 522 North Third Avenue Stratford, Wisconsin 54484 715h7C11 S. Wurdeman Stratford School District Librarian Stratford School District 522 N. 3rd Ave. Stratford, Wi 54484

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