CCBC-Net Archives

Words & pictures

From: Susan Daugherty <kdaugherty>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 11:26:13 -0500

When my 27-year-old and 25-year-old were babies, I searched and searched for simple baby books made of board, cloth, or anything! that they could relate too. There were so few that I had to turn to regular picture books and try to cull the simpler ones that they could relate to on some level. It probably did them good to read books to them that were over their heads since as you say, kids can make sense of things that you would think are over their heads, often. Still, it was disappointing.

Sometimes I sigh when I see the huge numbers of baby books out there now. You still have to pick and choose (that subject has already been covered amply here), but the numbers are tremendous.

I just have to echo Marian. Every picture book doesn't make a good board book, publishers. Reread what she said about appropriateness. Horn Book Guide does a good job of separating the good board books from the shrunken misfits. The board book is a special art form, and publishing something in that format should be considered as carefully as the format and design of any other book.

Susan Daugherty Franklin School Madison, Wisconsin

age of the board books I have seen have no real Susan Daugherty Librarian Franklin Elementary School Madison, WI 53505

kdaugherty at
Received on Mon 29 May 2000 11:26:13 AM CDT