CCBC-Net Archives

Molly Bang

From: Kathy Isaacs <kisaacs>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 20:15:56 -0400

As a long-time fan of Molly Bang's picture books I have much to say which I'm sure would be echoed by others. I'd like, instead, to put in a plug for her book for older readers -- even adults -- Picture This. From the beginning of our new sixth grade curriculum, six years ago, I included this book, reading aloud the Little Red Riding Hood parts, summarizing the design principles, and allowing students to experiment with the ideas, both with colored paper and with computer paint programs. While the book was still in print, each student received a copy. Three years ago, when our high school hired a new art teacher fresh from art school in Minnesota, he brought the book with him and used it with high school students as well. We were devastated when it went out of print and are looking forward to the reissue this year.

Kathy Isaacs Edmund Burke School kisaacs at
Received on Wed 03 May 2000 07:15:56 PM CDT