CCBC-Net Archives

Writing in Board Books and Picture Books

From: jane botham <jbotham>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 15:48:00 -0500

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen any comments regarding the Tana Hoban board books. BLACK AND WHITE, WHITE AND BLACK are usually the first board books I give infants. One of my neices put them on the changing table, and she reported that the infant stared and stared----he just adored them! Which reinforces what educators say--that infants can see contrasts and bright colors.

Her other board books OF COLORS AND THINGS; RED, BLUE, YELLOW SHOE and 1,2,3 are carefully thought out. The first uses bars of the color to separate 4 pictures of objects (animal, vegetable and mineral) of that particular color. However, one of the pictures includes many colors accompanying the color. Her counting book has the dots so that children can count not only the objects, but the dots. AND there are colored dots of the colors in RED, BLUE, etc. so that they can be matched up throughout the book.

The sizes of these books are small and are just right for very small hands. I have never given these books without delighted comments from the parents.

Ginny Moore Kruse wrote:
Received on Tue 30 May 2000 03:48:00 PM CDT