CCBC-Net Archives

poetry: teaching and reading

From: Laurie Holmquist <lholm>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 19:28:54 -0600

Thank you, JoAnn for your interesting suggestions and comments on teaching potry to youngsters. I teach a poetry class to fifth graders, and run a workshop each year for 5-6 graders at our district writer's conference. I will use your suggested readings. I already use "Ten Second Rainshowers" all the time, as well as George's Little Dog poems. The National Council of the Teachers of English also has some wonderful things for teaching poetry, including some good collections that work as read-alouds to get them started. laurie Holmquist, Monona, WI

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Received on Wed 19 Apr 2000 08:28:54 PM CDT