CCBC-Net Archives

bilingual picture books

From: Anne C. Oelke <acoelke>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 06:31:30 -0600

With a fair number of migrant students whose first oral language is Spanish, I actively look for bilingual picture books to purchase. Both our Anglo and Hispanic students seem to enjoy them, and it certainly validates the Spanish language use that our migrant students have experienced from birth. I don't find that the 2 languages on the same page creates any problems for any of us. Unfortunately I do not have 2 languages, so I read only the English version when I share these books. Most of our students read only in English, even if some speak fluent Spanish. Whether or not parents ever read the Spanish version, I don't know. Some of these parents are probably not literate in either language--a product of their migrant life. I do not purchase any Spanish language only books since their use would be so limited--perhaps limited to 2 or 3 students. The bilingual books can be used by all of our students.

I've been pleased to note that there are now more bilingual books being published. A few years ago there were very few, those primarily were published by Childrens Book Press and often not carried by the mainstream book jobbers. We have come a long way. I cannot speak for the accuracy or literary quality of the Spanish versions. Instead I must rely on reviews by those who truly have 2 languages.

At 09:30 PM 3/19/00 EST, you wrote: Anne C. Oelke Library Media Specialist Cambria-Friesland School District Cambria, WI. US 53923 mailto:acoelke at
Received on Mon 20 Mar 2000 06:31:30 AM CST