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Pura Belpre Award winners and honor books

From: Quiroa <r-quiroa>
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 21:14:49 -0600

    I recently completed the English version of Magic Windows / Ventanas m?gicas
(as well as about half of the Spanish version) and could not wait until completing the entire book to respond! I found Garza's beautiful first person autobiographical
"stories" to be a seamless blending of Mexican and Mexican American cultural history, values, creencias (beliefs), family activities, and art as process and product. I particularly liked how she included "consejos," advising children by relating to Aztecs practices/beliefs and a need to recognize environmental concerns such as endangered animals and the value of water. Each "story" reminded me of the way an older family member discusses special family memories and artifacts with a younger child. The ease with which this is done, together with the book's bilingual format of similar reading levels in the two languages, make it appealing for a wide audience that is inclusive of both monolingual and bilingual children. I cannot wait to share it with my daughter's kindergarten class later this month!

Ruth E. Quiroa Doctoral Candidate Curriculum and Instruction University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Received on Tue 07 Mar 2000 09:14:49 PM CST