CCBC-Net Archives

Michael L. Printz Award: Question

From: Kathleen Horning <horning>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 09:42:00 -0600

Now that members of the Printz Award Committee have joined us, I would like to ask a question about the award process in general that I'm hoping one of you will be willing to answer.

With two other YALSA book evaluation committees, Best Books for Young Adults and with Quick Picks (Best Books for Reluctant Young Adult Readers), I know that there is a strong tradition of teen input ? asking the young adults themselves to comment on the books under consideration.

My question is: does the Printz Award Committee have an equivalent means of hearing from teen readers? I know the award is for quality rather than popularity, but are committee members encouraged to seek out the opinions to young adults, as the BBYA and Quick Picks committees are?

Kathleen T. Horning (horning at Cooperative Children's Book Center University of Wisconsin-School of Education 4290 Helen C. White Hall 600 North Park St. Madison, WI 53706 608&3930 FAX: 608&2I33
Received on Wed 16 Feb 2000 09:42:00 AM CST