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what now remains in our dear card catalogue?
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From: Stu ccbcstu <ccbcstu>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 16:40:22 -0600
Ginny has asked me to let all of you wonderful people know what's left after the extensive card catalogue removal that Marca and I have recently completed. The following cards now remain:
* all "Historical" (except Historical PB)
* all "Current"
* "Alternative Press"
* "Bibliographical Audiotapes"
* "Toy Books Collection"
* "Author/Illustrator Vertical File" cards also remain but are housed in their own two drawers located on the right.
The last three categories were especially important to retain for they contain information that cannot currently be found in MadCat.
Any questions?, ask me or Marca.
Received on Thu 17 Feb 2000 04:40:22 PM CST
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 16:40:22 -0600
Ginny has asked me to let all of you wonderful people know what's left after the extensive card catalogue removal that Marca and I have recently completed. The following cards now remain:
* all "Historical" (except Historical PB)
* all "Current"
* "Alternative Press"
* "Bibliographical Audiotapes"
* "Toy Books Collection"
* "Author/Illustrator Vertical File" cards also remain but are housed in their own two drawers located on the right.
The last three categories were especially important to retain for they contain information that cannot currently be found in MadCat.
Any questions?, ask me or Marca.
Received on Thu 17 Feb 2000 04:40:22 PM CST