CCBC-Net Archives

Jacqueline Briggs Martin: Feb. 4 _at_ 4pm - author of the 1999

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 18:41:38 -0600

Arrangements were recently been made to bring Jacqueline Briggs Martin, author of the 1999 Caldecott Award winning book "Snowflake Bentley," to speak on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus on Friday, February 4, _at_ 4:00pm in Room 124 Memorial Library, 728 State Street.

This will be a free, public reading and discussion open to all interested individuals. No photo I.D. is needed to take advantage of this event located in Memorial Library. After you enter Memorial, inquire at the information desk about locating Room 124.

A four?se exhibit now available in Memorial Library will be moved to Room 124 to accompany this event. The wide-ranging exhibit contains writings and books by and about Wilson Bentley, including a first edition of Bentley's book of snow crystal photographs and several of the lantern slides he provided to Prof. Benjamin Snow at the University of Wisconsin in the early 1900s.

Jacqueline Briggs Martin's campus presentation is co-sponsored by the UW-Madison Memorial Library with the CCBC and the Friends of the CCBC. Parking will be available in the nearby Lake St. parking ramp.

This lecture is part of a current campus-wide emphasis on the work of Wilson Bentley, the Vermont farmer who first captured the beauty of snow srystals on photographs during the late 1800s. In addition to the Memorial Library exhibit, other exhibits related to Bentley's work and/or snow crystals, etc., can be viewed in the following campus libraries: Geology and Geophysics, Kohler Art, Middleton Health Sciences, Schwerdtfeger Space Science and Engineering, and Wendt Engineering. For information about access dates/times for each exhibit, contact that particular library

This is a unique opportunity to hear from a writer directly affected by the Caldecott Award process even though she did not win the Caldecott Medal herself. Martin's manuscript was illustrated by Mary Azarian, who did win it for her art in the book "Snowflake Bentley"
(Houghton Mifflin, 1998). During the informal portion of the event, Martin will respond to questions as to how her life changed as soon as the 1999 Caldecott Award winner was announced. She will talk about how she got the idea for her book, her research Wilson Bentley, and some of the writing decisions she made in developing her manuscript, including the one to write parallel fiction and nonfiction narratives.

The book "Snowflake Bentley" and other children's books by Jacqueline Briggs Martin in the CCBC collection are on reserve at the CCBC Reference Desk.

Martin will be appearing on Feb. 5 at Canterbury Booksellers on W. Johnson and State Sts. in downtown Madison.

If you live on campus or in the Greater Madison area, we encourage you to send this message or the information in it to people you know who might be interested in this opportunity.

Questions? Contact Rob Nurre (nurre at, coordinator of Martin's schedule and related campus exhibits.

Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center ( A Library of the School of Education, University of Wisconsin Madison
Received on Tue 25 Jan 2000 06:41:38 PM CST