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When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry...
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From: Ehuck1624 at <Ehuck1624>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 20:10:17 EST
In a message dated 1/20/00 2:09:03 PM, gmkruse at writes:
<< "Well, it's only a book. Sophie's IN the book! She's perfectly safe." He's right, she is. She's in an imaginative book empowering imagination. And she's perfectly safe.
AAAAAAh children. They are so wise and reassuring to us poor adults. I am so glad that they can explain the obvious to us! We do seem to often miss the forest for the trees or in this case the book for the pages.
Ellen Huck Middle school teacher Racine, WI
Received on Thu 20 Jan 2000 07:10:17 PM CST
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 20:10:17 EST
In a message dated 1/20/00 2:09:03 PM, gmkruse at writes:
<< "Well, it's only a book. Sophie's IN the book! She's perfectly safe." He's right, she is. She's in an imaginative book empowering imagination. And she's perfectly safe.
AAAAAAh children. They are so wise and reassuring to us poor adults. I am so glad that they can explain the obvious to us! We do seem to often miss the forest for the trees or in this case the book for the pages.
Ellen Huck Middle school teacher Racine, WI
Received on Thu 20 Jan 2000 07:10:17 PM CST