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Bud Not Buddy

From: Ehuck1624 at <Ehuck1624>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 10:14:24 EST

In a message dated 1/29/00 6:47:06 AM, edinger at writes:

<< We have an ongoing conversation going on in my classroom as to what exactly history is, who tells it, how to trust it. >>

I appreciated Monica's remarks. While I teach middle school literature, I often feel that I teach almost as much social studies/history. To truly understand some of the books and selections that they read, they need to have an understanding of the times and cultures. Our students are exposed to so much more diversified material at a younger age than, I believe, we were. Yet they do not have the background to understand much of it without our assistance and intervention.

In regards to BUD NOT BUDDY where the setting takes place during the Great Depression, many of us grew up listening to our parents and grandparents share their own stories. We absorbed them as part of our experience. We are getting farther away from those experiences. Many of the parents of our students are farther yet removed from those times. It is history to them. I have found when I build the necessary background for students to understand more fully the material they are reading, they enjoy it even more. It stimulates their thinking and we want to develop more critical thinkers and readers.

Ellen Huck Racine, WI
Received on Sat 29 Jan 2000 09:14:24 AM CST