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From: Dean Schneider <schneiderd>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 07:41:56 -0600

I had not read Our Only May Amelia prior to the awards and was lucky the local bookstore still had a copy on the day the awards were announced. It's a great book, a coming of age story set in a region that had not come of age. Washington state in 1899 was, as the author's note states, "one of the last stretches of unsettled frontier at the turn of the century." May Amelia's story, based on Jennifer Holm's grandaunt's diary, is full of bear and cougar attacks, ghosts, murderers, smugglers,and shipwrecks. May Amelia's voice is strong, and so is her feisty character. Her life is like the river - full of snags, adventure, and beauty.

Dean Schneider Ensworth School 211 Ensworth Avenue Nashville, TN 37205 schneiderd at
Received on Mon 31 Jan 2000 07:41:56 AM CST