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best of 99: Sector 7

From: becky mcdonald <beckymcd>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 21:45:24 -0600

Sector 7 is my choice for picture book of the year for all the reasons Connie and Steve gave, plus:

1. Wiesner's abilities are dramatically demonstrated through his amazing cloud effects rendered in watercolor. 2. Sector 7 shows a newly emerging side of the artist, that of a loving father. None of his previous books show the tenderness of his latest work. 3. Certain paintings from the book are unforgettable and far above
(figuratively as well as literally) the pictures in most children's illustrated literature (in my humble opinion): the frontispiece, the fog scenes, the last image in the book, etc. Also: 4. Funny touches such as the bureaucrats depicted as villains, the broccoli in the television monitor for fans of June 29, 1999, the little cloud handing out numbers as the other clouds wait for the little boy to draw interesting shapes for them to emulate, the cats pawing the window as fish-shaped clouds drift past... 5. Wiesner's interesting and unusual (for him) use of red to help locate the boy and his cloud friend in a crowd of clouds 6. The boy levitating in the elevator with drifts of the cloud streaming from his collar and the hem of his coat, with a teacher aware of the situation but mercifully not trying to separate them 7. The idea that wonderful delights are possible on a school field trip or when watching the skies

Becky McDonald beckymcd at

----- Original Message ----From: "Connie Rockman" To: "Subscribers of ccbc-net" Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 12:35 PM Subject: Re: best of 99: Sector 7

Received on Thu 09 Dec 1999 09:45:24 PM CST