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favorites of my class

From: Deborah Hopkinson <HOPKINDA>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 10:32:00 -0800

I did a mock Caldecott with my 25 college students this past week. We read nine books and I divided them into four groups. Two groups chose Come On, Rain! almost immediately. Another group finally chose Sector 7 and the fourth could not reach an agreement but in the end the majority badgered the others into choosing Sleeping Boy, which was the title that generated the strongest reactions among the students. Weslandia made three of their honor lists, but no group even came close to choosing it. This surprised me because I'd thought it would be their favorite. Come On, Rain! is my favorite, along with Barbara Cooney's art in Basket Moon.

Deborah Hopkinson Whitman College Walla Walla, WA
Received on Sat 04 Dec 1999 12:32:00 PM CST