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From: Dr. Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 10:32:06 -0800
Concerning the Harry Haters, Roger Sutton is, of course, quite right to believe that I am somewhat paranoiac. FFL is only one group to which he makes reference. However, were we wise, all of us sh ould be aware enough to be a little bit scared. I cite to Kansas & (non)-evolution, attacks on persons of a different sexual identity (and gender, for that matter), the notions that some folk have the right and power to determine what others may read or see on their library WWW screens, the purchase of so?lled Christian textbooks for public shools, the posting of the Decalogue in public tax-supported places, etc. These are scary times now that we no longer have "Godless Communism" and the "Evil Empire" to use as a enemy. The battle against Harry is just beginning and has implications beyond a single book.
So--having said my bit--as Mr. Porky Pig says, "That's all folks!" (Sorry, I don't know how to stammer on a CRT.)
Big Grandma
================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Sat 06 Nov 1999 12:32:06 PM CST
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 10:32:06 -0800
Concerning the Harry Haters, Roger Sutton is, of course, quite right to believe that I am somewhat paranoiac. FFL is only one group to which he makes reference. However, were we wise, all of us sh ould be aware enough to be a little bit scared. I cite to Kansas & (non)-evolution, attacks on persons of a different sexual identity (and gender, for that matter), the notions that some folk have the right and power to determine what others may read or see on their library WWW screens, the purchase of so?lled Christian textbooks for public shools, the posting of the Decalogue in public tax-supported places, etc. These are scary times now that we no longer have "Godless Communism" and the "Evil Empire" to use as a enemy. The battle against Harry is just beginning and has implications beyond a single book.
So--having said my bit--as Mr. Porky Pig says, "That's all folks!" (Sorry, I don't know how to stammer on a CRT.)
Big Grandma
================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Sat 06 Nov 1999 12:32:06 PM CST