CCBC-Net Archives

The Birchbark House

From: Eliza T. Dresang <edresang>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 00:23:41 -0400

Kathy shared that she bought this book for her 7 year old granddaughter as soon as it was available. Since we are exploring the topic of "evaluation" of books by and about American Indians, it seems that reader response must be one part of that evaluation. Has anyone had an opportunity to discuss this book yet with a younger-than?ult reader? Has your granddaughter read it yet, Kathy? If so, did she like it as much as the adults we've heard from so far seem to? Why? (does she say?) Anyone else had any experience yet with The Birchbark House and responses from young readers? Native or non Native?

Keep the excellent insights coming!


At 09:14 PM 10/2/99 00, you wrote:
_________________________________________________________ Eliza T. Dresang, Associate Professor School of Information Studies/ Florida State University
                             Tallahassee, Florida 32306!00 e-mail: edresang at Phone: 850 644 5877 (w) FAX: 850 644 9763 (w)
Received on Mon 04 Oct 1999 11:23:41 PM CDT