CCBC-Net Archives

Tim Wynn-Jones

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 12:20:32 EDT

As the month nears its end, I am wondering when we will discuss other Canadian authors, specifically Tim Wynn-Jones.

I had never read his work before attending the Halos and Hooligans Conference, Simmons College, Boston. Inspired by his witty insights to the role of literature in the 21st Century, I ran out and bought Some of the Kinder Planets. Wynn-Jones has become a favorite of mine for his clever prose
(the humorous plays on words Wynn-Jones weaves into his stories), clear plots, and sympathetic characters. I'm so glad I learned about this wonderful author.

This month's discussion has been one of the most educational ever to me, having exposed me to buried treasures, so to speak. Thanks to everyone.

Lee Sullivan Hill 2 Blodgett Avenue Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Received on Wed 22 Sep 1999 11:20:32 AM CDT