CCBC-Net Archives

Laine Curtis: PLEASE READ!!

From: Hastings, Waller <hastingw>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 14:05:13 -0500

For any and all teachers who may use CCBC for their classes:

On the child_lit discussion group, we have had recurrent problems with students logging on for class assignments and then either finding themselves unable to log off or committing grievous errors of netiquette. In response, Susan Stan at Central Michigan University created a web page explaining how to use a listserv (specifically, child_lit, but it would work for most such lists) in a classroom situation: it includes basic pointers on netiquette, sample assignments, and other materials that can significantly reduce headaches for teachers, students, and the poor unsuspecting members of the list itself. I recommend that teachers thinking about making a listserv assignment visit Susan's site before they do so, and that students who are assigned to join a listserv consult Susan's pointers at the outset. (I confess I am not entirely uninterested, as one of my class assignments is on her site as an example of how to use the listservs appropriately.

I hope this helps.

-Waller Hastings Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD 57401 hastingw at
Received on Sat 25 Sep 1999 02:05:13 PM CDT