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The author of Making Up Megaboy

From: Ginny Moore Kruse <gmkruse>
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 12:10:14 -0500

I'm delighted to tell you that Virginia A. Walter, the author of
"Making Up Megaboy," will join our discussion very soon.

Ginny Walter is an associate professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at UCLA and the president-elect of the Association for Library Services to Children, American Library Association.

Her first published novel "Making Up Megaboy" was illustrated by Katrina Roeckelein and edited by Richard Jackson (DK Ink, 1998).

She is the author of the picture book "Hi, Pizza Man! illustrated by Ponder Goembel (Orchard, 1995) and (help me out here, Ginny) "Are We There Yet?" a picture book to be published this fall.

Ginny and Melissa Gross wrote a reference book "HIV/AIDS Information for Children: A Guied to Issues and Resources" (H.W. Wilson, 1996).

Please share your comments and questions with Ginny Walter. She's all set, ready to go, and she might provide a comment for us even before she gets a question.

Ginny Moore Kruse (gmkruse at Cooperative Children's Book Center ( A Library of the School of Education University of Wisconsin - Madison
Received on Fri 09 Jul 1999 12:10:14 PM CDT