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cross-over appeal- Harry Potter

From: lisa von drasek <lisav>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 13:01:38 -0400

My experience over the past year with adults fall into a couple categories

Number one- handing over copies of Harry Potter and recommending as a terrific read aloud for parents of reluctant readers. The adults have come back raving about it and the wonderful experience they had sharing this book with their kids. (I am sure that they then turn around and talk it up to other adults.)

Number two- I give it adults looking for a great read. Even if they haven't read a kid's book in years, even if they haven't been near a kid in years.

My internist is always looking for recommendations and this year I told him about Harry. The next time I spoke to him he said that he had bought 3 copies as gifts for grown-ups. I was not surprised.

Right now the teachers are looking for summer reading, anything. A 1st grade teacher who amazingly had missed all the buzz needed something for the long weekend.
 She returned Harry Tuesday morning and told me that she went to the beach and read it in one sitting. I turned around and passed that copy onto the Lower School reading specialist who was looking for something for her long subway ride home.

I have been keeping one copy of Harry Potter available for adults and one copy of Chamber of Secrets on one-week loan (we are going into summer-loan mode which means that Children's Books taken now are due September 10th.) to make sure it is available for adults.

What makes Harry Potter unique in its appeal? The book has a very sophisticated sense of humor. Hagrid pining for a dragon as if it were puppy is just one tiny moment of recognition.

I do think that adults who have not read a children's book in years are surprised by the level of sophistication and richness contained in this novel.

Of course we who have read Voight, Spinelli, and Alexander (to name a few of the many) are not surprised at all, we just revel in the abundance.

Lisa Von Drasek Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education School For Children 610 W.112th Street New York NY 10025

lisav at 212?5D52
Received on Wed 02 Jun 1999 12:01:38 PM CDT