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Cynthia Voight books:Homecoming & Dicey's Song

From: EBQ1999 at <EBQ1999>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 00:37:58 EDT

I like thesethey books because they teach faith and determination. It is a lesson about family and how they work hard to be together. It shows how the relationship between an old lady and four youngters could be very rewarding. The story could teach young children how to get ahead in life no matter hard life seems to be. It has lesson of history, too,because the essays that wrote James in the story serve as a history class, for example the pilgrim story.
                                                The story made us think, too about the different kinds of children and their education. Masbeth had problem at school, because she was a slow reader, but she was gifted in music. With the help of her brother she survived that period.

        I think the books were very interesting, amazing and rewarding.
Received on Wed 02 Jun 1999 11:37:58 PM CDT