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The Titch Series by Pat Hutchins
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From: Diane LaRoz <dlaroz>
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 15:19:48 -0400
I read Titch and Tidy Titch, two books from the Titch Series by Pat Hutchins. Both of the books contained repetitive language which emphasize and promote language acquisition in young children.
The book titled Titch presents several comparisons of size. These comparisons involved the following words: little, a bit bigger, a lot bigger, great big, big, fat and tiny. All of these comparisons can help children visualize size differences. These comparisons can also increase their understanding size and its appropriate uses.
The book titled Tidy Titch presents a problem and a resolution. The story is very funny and children will find it interesting. It presents a lot of words that might be vocabulary in a classroom or vocabulary children might encounter in life. Some examples of possible vocabulary in a classroom are space, carriage, carried, broken, hundreds, old, etc. Some examples of vocabulary children might encounter in life are messy, Mother, downstairs, upstairs, dollhouse, cowboy, etc. This book can be used to present both real life vocabulary and classroom vocabulary to students.
Both books are great for parents to read to their children and increase their language acquisition. These books may also be helpful in the classroom to aid in the understanding and of vocabulary.
Diane La Roz
Miami, Florida
Received on Tue 01 Jun 1999 02:19:48 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 15:19:48 -0400
I read Titch and Tidy Titch, two books from the Titch Series by Pat Hutchins. Both of the books contained repetitive language which emphasize and promote language acquisition in young children.
The book titled Titch presents several comparisons of size. These comparisons involved the following words: little, a bit bigger, a lot bigger, great big, big, fat and tiny. All of these comparisons can help children visualize size differences. These comparisons can also increase their understanding size and its appropriate uses.
The book titled Tidy Titch presents a problem and a resolution. The story is very funny and children will find it interesting. It presents a lot of words that might be vocabulary in a classroom or vocabulary children might encounter in life. Some examples of possible vocabulary in a classroom are space, carriage, carried, broken, hundreds, old, etc. Some examples of vocabulary children might encounter in life are messy, Mother, downstairs, upstairs, dollhouse, cowboy, etc. This book can be used to present both real life vocabulary and classroom vocabulary to students.
Both books are great for parents to read to their children and increase their language acquisition. These books may also be helpful in the classroom to aid in the understanding and of vocabulary.
Diane La Roz
Miami, Florida
Received on Tue 01 Jun 1999 02:19:48 PM CDT