CCBC-Net Archives

June workshop

From: John Stewig <jstewig>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 13:31:13 CST

COME JOIN US! The Center for Children's Literature The University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee is pleased to invite you to
"Children's Books By and About American Indians"

June l4, l999 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.


Sandra Cornelius, a member of the Oneida Nation, formerly with the Milwaukee Public Schools, speak on "Why ALL Children Need Books About American Indians"

Sandra Orie, a member of the Oneida Nation, currently a reading teacher at the Turtle School in Oneida Wisconsin, and author of DID YOU HEAR WIND SING YOUR NAME? speaking on "How I Work as an Author"

Christopher Canyon, a member of the Cherokee Nation, illustrator of DID YOU HEAR WIND CALL YOUR NAME? and several other books, speaking on "How I Work as an Illustrator"

for further information, please call

Jane Rediske
(4l4) 229G28, or jrediske at
==================================================John Warren Stewig, Professor UWM Department of Curriculum & Instruction 393 Enderis Hall PO Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 5320113 Phone: 414"9R46 Fax: 414"9U71
Received on Sat 01 May 1999 02:31:13 PM CDT