CCBC-Net Archives

Logan family series

From: Susan Daugherty <kdaugherty>
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 09:11:59 -0500

It's very interesting that we have come back to almost the same argument that we had over Anita Lobel's book, NO PRETTY PICTURES. In fact, we could use that title as the name for our discussion. How do you discuss ugly parts of history or life without naming what really happened? It seems to me that to understand what happened and maybe get at why it happened if that is possible, you have to first know what happened. I, as an adult, found Mildred Taylor's books eye opening. Shocking too even though I knew those things had happened. She tells the stories so convincingly that you feel you are Cassie. You must empathize. Kids are even more horrified because they don't have the background; they probably haven't heard that these things happened. Some children probably aren't ready for some of these books at a young age, but the middle school people who use them are right on target, I'd say.


At 05:59 PM 5/6/99 00, you wrote: Susan Daugherty Librarian Franklin Elementary School Madison, WI 53705
Received on Fri 07 May 1999 09:11:59 AM CDT