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Harry Potter

From: lisa von drasek <lisav>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 14:40:43 -0400

Mr. Orgus's assertion that "the "Potter" books hit just the right note of mediocrity to be appealing." I agree with Mr. Levine that " It may certainly be his opinion (and we're all entitled to them!)"

How did the topic of the month turn into a _compare and contrast DWJ with Harry Potter? _ Now I have to jump in... Ginny, hold me back!

I have been reading aloud Harry Potter to 4 classes of 8/9 year olds this year and I am still enjoying every minute.( I already read it once last summer), Kids are begging for more library time.

 The kids have been haunting the library hoping that the June 2nd date (which is when I will circulate #2) isn't real, that I will give up and give them the book now. They have brought back their overdue books because only kids with clean records are going have a chance at the limited number of copies we have.

I have put together a reading list "Beyond Harry Potter" that both parents and children come to the library clutching. ( The list includes books by DWJ, Edward Eager, Phillip Pullman and The Secret of Platform 13)

Harry Potter does have broad appeal from the reluctant reader to the children who have _read everything_ in the library. As far as I'm concerned Harry Potter has jump-started kid's reading in the same way that Oprah has done it for adults. I for one am grateful.

Thanks for letting me rant. Lisa

Lisa Von Drasek Children's Librarian Bank Street College of Education School For Children 610 W.112th Street New York NY 10025

lisav at 212?5D52
Received on Tue 25 May 1999 01:40:43 PM CDT