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Smart people and old mind
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From: Dr. Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 18:43:24 -0700
Thanks to Linnea and Arthur for recalling the Addison Wesley series. What happens is that old folk (like the undersigned) recall frames and edges--but sometimes not entire pictures.
Hey there--you younger folk--see if your libraries have the books written and illustrated by children's books illustrators--and, as writers--they were darned good, concise--and made pictures of their lives. Now the time has come to nag publishers to re-release these little treasures--and continue the series.
What say you?
================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Mon 19 Apr 1999 08:43:24 PM CDT
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 18:43:24 -0700
Thanks to Linnea and Arthur for recalling the Addison Wesley series. What happens is that old folk (like the undersigned) recall frames and edges--but sometimes not entire pictures.
Hey there--you younger folk--see if your libraries have the books written and illustrated by children's books illustrators--and, as writers--they were darned good, concise--and made pictures of their lives. Now the time has come to nag publishers to re-release these little treasures--and continue the series.
What say you?
================="You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." Jessica Mitford (191796)
Received on Mon 19 Apr 1999 08:43:24 PM CDT