CCBC-Net Archives

Looking Back

From: Laura Atkins <atkinslaura>
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 23:23:39 +0000

I read Looking Back without having read Lois Lowry's previous books, and I was completely captivated. I found her honesty moving, and I loved how she expressed her passion for books which she has passed on to her children and grandchildren.

This book to me is an example of how children's books can break established forms and open the door to more creative and open literary approaches.In picture books we are already accustomed to the juxtaposition of art and text. Lowry plays with the idea of writing stories to accompany visuals, and in her book both the text and the photos inform each other, as if in conversation.The juxtaposition of photos, excerpts from stories, and glimpses of memories--together create a collage or symphony effect. You are left with impressions of the flow of life, more like an immersion than a narrative. The project is inspiring. What a wonderful and original way to approach autobiography.

Laura Atkins
Received on Mon 05 Apr 1999 06:23:39 PM CDT